Support Coordinator Acronyms - Master the NDIS & Disability Sector

Support Coordinator Acronyms - Master the NDIS & Disability Sector

Support Coordinator Acronyms - Everything You Need to Know

In the complex world of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), understanding the myriad of acronyms can be a daunting task. As the largest virtual occupational therapy company in Australia, OT LinQ is here to simplify things for you. In this blog post, we'll unravel the mystery behind some of the most common acronyms related to Support Coordination and the NDIS, providing you with a comprehensive guide to navigate this vital support system.


  • AAA (Access for All abilities): Promotes access and inclusion for people with disabilities.
  • AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication): Methods and devices to assist individuals with communication difficulties.
  • AAT (Administrative Appeals Tribunal): Handles reviews and appeals of government decisions, including NDIS-related matters.
  • ABI (Acquired Brain Injury): A brain injury that occurs after birth and is not related to a congenital or degenerative condition.
  • ADL (Activities of Daily Living): Daily self-care activities such as eating, dressing, bathing, and mobility.
  • AHPA (Allied Health Professionals Australia): Comprises various allied health service providers, including occupational therapists.
  • AHS / AHP (Allied Health Services / Allied Health Providers): Services provided by professionals like occupational therapists.
  • AHRC (Australian Human Rights Commission): An independent agency that promotes and protects human rights in Australia.
  • AIDIN (Australian Injury and Disability Insurance Network): A network related to injury and disability insurance in Australia.
  • AT (Assistive Technology): Devices and tools that help individuals with disabilities perform tasks.
  • C.A (Community Access): Programs and services that facilitate community participation.
  • CALD (Culturally and Linguistically Diverse): Refers to individuals from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds.
  • CB (Capacity Building): Activities aimed at enhancing an individual's skills and abilities.
  • CEO (Chief Executive Officer): The highest-ranking executive in an organization.
  • CFO (Chief Financial Officer): The executive responsible for financial management.
  • CICD (Community Inclusion and Capacity Development): Initiatives to foster community inclusion and individual capacity development.
  • COAG (Council of Australian Governments): A forum for cooperation between the Australian Government and state and territory governments.
  • CPR (Commonwealth Procurement Rules): Guidelines for procurement by Australian Government entities.
  • COS (Coordination of Supports): A critical aspect of NDIS support aimed at helping participants manage their services.
  • CP (Community Program): Programs designed to support community participation.
  • DHS (Department of Human Services): A government department responsible for social services and welfare.
  • DSP (Disability Service Provider): Organizations that offer services and support to people with disabilities.
  • DSS (Department of Social Services): Another government department focused on social services and support.
  • ECEI (Early Childhood Early Intervention): Services for young children with developmental delays or disabilities.
  • ECIS (Early Childhood Intervention Service): Services that support young children with disabilities and their families.
  • ELS (Everyday Life Skills): Skills needed for daily activities and independence.
  • ICT (Information and Communications Technology): Technology used for information and communication purposes.
  • IPA (Individual Plan Advisor): Professionals who assist NDIS participants in developing their individual plans.
  • LAC (Local Area Coordinator): Local representatives who assist NDIS participants in navigating the system.
  • NAT (National Access Team): A team responsible for the access process within the NDIS.
  • NDIA (National Disability Insurance Agency): The agency that administers the NDIS.
  • NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme): Australia's program for empowering individuals with disabilities.
  • NDS (National Disability Services): An industry association for disability service providers.
  • NGO (Non-Government Agency): An organization that operates independently of the government.
  • O.T (Occupational therapy / Therapist): Professionals who provide occupational therapy services.
  • PC (Personal Care): Assistance with personal hygiene, grooming, and other daily care tasks.
  • PSP (Person-Centered Plan): A plan that focuses on an individual's goals and preferences.
  • PWD (Person/People with Disability): Individuals with disabilities.
  • PWDA (People with Disability Australia): An advocacy group for people with disabilities.
  • SC (Support Coordinator): Professionals who assist participants in managing their NDIS plans.
  • SDA (Specialist Disability Accommodation): Funded accommodation for those with complex needs.
  • S.I.L (Supported Independent Living): Support for independent living arrangements.
  • ST (Speech Therapist / Therapy): Professionals who provide speech therapy services.
  • STA (Short Term Accommodation): Accommodation services for short-term needs.
  • SW (Support worker): Professionals who provide support services to individuals with disabilities.
  • UN (United Nations): An international organization focused on global cooperation.
  • VOC (Vocational Skills): Skills related to employment and career development.
  • WHODAS (World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule): A tool for assessing disability and functioning.
  • WHS (Work Health and Safety): Guidelines and regulations related to workplace safety.

At OT LinQ, we're dedicated to simplifying the NDIS journey for individuals with disabilities and their families. If you need support coordination, occupational therapy, or assistance with your NDIS plan, visit our home page to explore our services, submit a referral to get started, or call us at 1300 909 777. Let us help you make your NDIS experience smoother and more empowering.